Shane Anderson wrote:
> I'm looking for the *RIGHT* way to get more open files in 2.0.33.
> I've downloaded Michael O'Reilly's patch, but it had problems with
> portmapper (on RedHat 5.0 w/ all the latest updates) crapping
> out--apparently due to bad file descriptors, which I think was due to
> the dynamic allocation done in this patch. So, since then I've tried
> to just change the #define's that I believe matter, namely:
> NR_OPEN in limits.h
> OPEN_MAX in limits.h
> __FD_SETSIZE in posix_types.h
> __FD_SETSIZE in gnu/types.h
> And then if I put this in rc.local:
> echo 32768 > /proc/sys/kernel/inode-max
> echo 8192 > /proc/sys/kernel/file-max
> Is this the Right Way? I'm still having trouble w/ portmapper (and
> hence rpc.nfsd & rpc.mountd) At the moment I'm staring w/ a clean
> 2.0.33 again and would like some real advice on # of open files
> before I screw around too much more.
> Thanks!
> -= shane.anderson@infrasol.com ======== Infrared Solutions, Inc. =-
> -
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