Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux

Pavel Machek (
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 04:23:09 -0500 (EST)

I'll make it real easy for those who say they dont need GGI because X
hasn't crashed them.

Start up X.
Start up a xterm.
kill -9 your xserver.
Try to get control of your computer without the help of another computer.

Heck, access it across a network ant try to get your console back (only
possible with some video cards.. My S3968 based cards will just not come

The real world defination of a 'crash' is when the system becomes

On a server, such a console lock would be unfortunate but not a big deal.

On the desktop the thing might have hardlocked for all the user is

Lets summerize:

If the kernel does not have concise control over a piece of hardware then
a user app must control it.
If a piece of usercontroled hardware needs it's state set then the userapp
must set it and un set it as nessassary
If a userapp crashes or gets killed (or conflicts with another user app)
it cannot unset any states.
If you know nothing about a modern videocard, you cannot send it a magic
string to reset to a sane state
The console is a critical subsystem, especially on user boxes.
If the console is crashed then the computer is effectivly crashed.
Linux should not crash.

Therefor the Linux kernel needs to understand the hardware, so that it can
control the state.

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Gerhard Mack wrote:

> On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Etienne Lorrain wrote:
> > Gerhard Mack wrote:
> > > Most of the lockups over here have been X -> text mode -> X.
> > > Sooner or later this will go down HARD, and it's done that on 3
> > > diffent video cards.
> >
> > And these video cards pass without any problems
> > test like "x11perf --all" ?
> > No problem overloading, but staying in, X ?
> > (i.e. RAM *really* OK ?)
> Ram is fine, I've checked it, with 16 mb of ram I could
> easally crash the system by changing consoles several times.
> cards were:
> 1 ATI 16 bit forget what kind and I gave it away
> 2 S3 trio64v+
> 3 ATI mach64
> All had 1 mb ram
> the system is a Pentium 120
> Problems showed up with 16 mb ram
> the chipset is intel.
> Gerhard
> --
> Gerhard Mack
> As a computer I find your faith in technology amusing.
> -
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