Or have a global mask, as has already been pointed out. Just trade off
the time for a global change with the time for each check.
> Oohh.. Yes, it costs you 32 bits per process. If you tell me you are
> worried about that, I tell you that you're either lying or have extremely
> poor judgement. In fact, you probably want another bitmask which specifies
> which bits can be inherited by children (if you have a capability to add
> capabilities, then you probably also want to specify that it is only added
> to this process, not to the children of this process - that way you can
> easily revert the capability forcibly if you want to at a later date).
> So yes, it could easily add 8 bytes per process.
Why is the capabilities mask for children needed at all? I would
assume that the init binary (for example) would be changed to do:
fork ();
/* Child */
rip_out_capabilities ();
As things stand now, any trusted binary (i.e. suid-root) does much the
same thing if needed (such as /bin/login), by calling setuid (),
seteuid (). We don't have a child process
"uid,euid,gid,egid,gid-saved-set" table either. So why do we need the
child capabilities mask?
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