On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Wakko Warner wrote:
> Does linux support hot swapping of scsi devices w/o having to restart? If
> there is, then how do I get it to redetect devices? I swapped a 2gb drive
> for another 2gb drive while testing. They are exactly the same drive and on
> the same id and linux refused to acknoledge the new disk.
Yes, it dosn't automatically, but you can do it manually. Look at
linux/drivers/scsi/scsi.c for how (line ~2285, and ~2335). Hot pluging
(ie powered up scsi bus) is not withing the spec, and can destroy every
device attached (including the host adapter).
It's not unknown. The only time it is safe is if you have special hot
plug connectors which isolate the bus from the devices.
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