I have the exact same problem, except its not at home. :) No one seems to
believe this is a problem.. it would be nice if someone could confirm they
have modules (and IP Masquerading) working under 2.1.
> It appears that your modules in /lib/modules/xxxxx are not synched
> with the version of the kernel you are using.
> It might be a good idea to rename your /lib/modules/2.0.33 file to
> /lib/modules/2.0.33.old (now you don't have a 2.0.33 directory under
> /lib/modules). Then, rebuild your kernel, making sure to issue "make
> modules ; make modules_install". After the "make modules_install" you
> should see the 2.0.33 directory again in the /lib/modules. Then, do
> your depmod, etc.
This doesn't work. I tried this some time ago and found that modules are
being copied over to the correct directory, and the kernel appears to be
loading from the correct directory.
Personally, I'm waiting for the patch to compile the IP-Masq protocal
components directly into the kernel. This can't be selected from 'make
config' and the guy who does the patches sounds swamped. I figgure either
it will work, and I won't care, or it won't, and it will shed some light
onto what's going on.
Good luck,
Geoff Oakham
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