On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Brian Gerst wrote:
> I'm sure an ATAPI zip drive could be booted too, if your BIOS lets you
> boot from other than c: (like mine, a Tyan Tomcat motherboard).
Yes, sure.
> My SCSI Zip (internal) can go on any SCSI id, not just 5 or 6. Not sure
> about the external SCSI zip or Zip Plus in SCSI mode.
The external Zip has 2 switches on the back, one is termination on/off,
the other is id 5/6 (I think, could be 4/5, or 3/4 tho). It definatly
isn't 0 or 1.
I've no idea about the Zip Plus, they may well have put a proper id switch
on it, then again they can save a few pennies with by not using one.
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