I made a small change to get rid of a of a compile warning:
--- kmod.c Sat Mar 28 12:09:35 1998
+++ linux/kernel/kmod.c Sat Mar 28 12:28:12 1998
@@ -119,9 +122,9 @@
Call modprobe with module_name. If execve returns,
print out an error.
- slot->argv[2] = slot->module_name;
- execve(modprobe_path, slot->argv, envp);
+ err = execve(modprobe_path, slot->argv, envp);
printk("Modprobe load failed - couldn't load %s\n",slot->module_name);
+ printk("Error code %d\n",err);
slot->info = MODRQ_FAILURE;
} else {
-- Shaw Carruthers - shaw@shawc.demon.co.uk London SW14 7JW UK This is not a sig( with homage to Magritte).
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