Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux
Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.CSIRO.AU)
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 12:29:25 +1000
Joshua Buysse writes:
> >> I expect most Linux users will stay with Intel CPUs. There is a price
> >> imperative for a lot of people...
> >The Alpha machines are not THAT expensive (relatively, of course). A
> The
> >Microway "Screamer 533", 533MHz, 4.3GB Seagate Barracuda UW-SCSI, 8x
> >CD-ROM, 2MB Matrox Millenium, Adaptec 2940 UW-SCSI, 128MB RAM, 2MB SRAM
> cache,
> >4 PCI slots and 2 ISA slots costs $2,995 US (see The Linux Journal, Jan
> 1998,
> >p.44). For such a machine the price isn't that high - and I daresay it
> will
> >get lower with time.
> But, do you want to exclude anybody who happens to buy a sub-US$1000
> PC from ever using Linux? Some people do see the light too late, and
> $2995
> is still too much for the average student. If you need a workstation to
> do
> your programming classwork on, you've just said that it's cheaper to buy
> a cheap PC, WinNT or 98, and Microsoft's Visual Studio (Education price,
> of course) than to buy a machine that can run Linux.
> That's plain and simple arrogance.
I'm glad someone else noticed :-)
This whole thread has generated quite a bit of testosterone-charged
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