> > 2.1.92 is about as bad as pre-2.1.92-2 on my 16MB system. I
> > commented out the "raising capabilites" message in fs/exec.c and
> > tried:
> > (1) compiling init/main.c -- no problem
> > (2) starting X and compiling from an xterm -- no problem
> > (3) starting top in another xterm and compiling --
> > cached went down from 5548K to about 1024K
> > free stayed about 1024K
> > after a minute, screen froze
> > 20 minutes later I gave up and hit reset
> >
> > Is there any point in my going through this exercise?
> This roughly matches my 8Mb box. On 32Mb 2.1.92 feels a bit better but has
> the odd disk frenzy, on the 8Mb box its as bad as 2.1.90/91 etc. I tried
> booting it on my 4Mb Zenith 386SX20 for a joke.
80 mb doesn't help much.
On my machine, the buffercache is running at 50% of normal (write) bw.
Read is still hovering at 40mb/sec.. write is down from typical 32 to
15 mb/sec. (my hardware is old)
Find / on a 6 gig fs leaves 35mb ram untouched.
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