> New SCSI reordering can be a real mess, I was lucky not having
> disks on second adapter, else sde -> sda, sda -> sdb, etc.
> Nice cycle ;-), mad /etc/fstab, and panic on boot.
I've not kept up with the talk on devfs...but has it been considered that
a naming scheme sort of like the following be used?
i.e. controler / number / id lun partition
type within
That would remove the ambiguity of having a controller0, controller1,
etc...since SCSI host probing order can change, but the driver name is
less likely to, and you wouldn't have to worry about device names changing
just because you add a device or controller.
Adding 2 disks to separate controllers on a 2.0.x system that already had
several disks on each, I managed to really confuse myself.
Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | http://noagent.com/?jl1 for cheap
Network Administrator | life insurance over the net.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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