Re: Encrypted filesystem under Linux.

Jeffrey B. Siegal (
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 00:01:02 -0700

>I thought the US supreme court booted those restrictions.

The case is still being litigated. As of now the ruling only applies to
the particular individual involved in the case.

BTW, isn't there a cryptographic random number generator in the driver
for /dev/random? If my understanding of the discussion posted by
Netscape in connection with the recent Mozilla release is correct, I
don't believe that it is legal to export source code for cyptography,
even if the cryptography is not used for hiding information (and even if
such uses would probalby be exportable in object code) because the
source code can be modified for this purpose. I'd hate to see anyone
involved with the Linux project (or hosting the distributions) get into
hot water.

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