[]s fabricio
-----Original Message-----
From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@transmeta.com>
Newsgroups: linux.dev.kernel
To: fchalub@bigfoot.com <fchalub@bigfoot.com>
Date: Sábado, 11 de Abril de 1998 03:14
Subject: Re: No keyboard from 2.1.91 and up
: can you double-check the exact kernel version that broke your keyboard?
:There were no keyboard-related changes in the patch from 2.1.90 -> 91,
:although there _are_ changes in some other recent kernels. I'd like to
:know exactly which kernel starts breaking (and if it really _is_ ok in
:90 but broken in 91 I'll have to start looking into other things - but
:that looks strange).
: Thanks,
: Linus
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