Re: Testers wanted: exorcised kmod.c: no more daemon!

Jan Gyselinck (
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 13:15:48 +0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time)

On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Adam J. Richter wrote:
> I see no advantage of this over just letting rmmod run from
> cron after the boot has completed. Your method increases kernel
> complexity, Linux-speicific kernel features, number of daemon process
> and kernel memory footprint..
How about the overhead from cron? I mean, each time it runs rmmod, it
also runs a shell.... (and I think, I hope :), the kernel doesn't do that)
I didn't look at the code, but does the kernel also do 'rmmod -a' if there
are no unused modules?? (I hope it doens't do that either...)

We don't all have CPU-power to waste ...

Jan Gyselinck

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