2.1.95 kmod unable to execve modprobe: ENOENT

Alan Crosswell (alan@watsun.cc.columbia.edu)
Wed, 15 Apr 98 11:15:35 EDT

With 2.1.95, kmod fails to find /sbin/modprobe on my system with an
initrd-loaded aha1542 driver for the SCSI root. I modified the code
to print the reason execve returns and it is ENOENT. I suspect this
has something to do with a remounted root. I haven't searched further
yet since kmod is clearly in a state of flux and maybe this has
already been addressed. The system runs just fine if I explicitly
modprobe things. Same kernel on another machine with root on an IDE
(no initrd) works fine.

Note: my most-recent previous 2.1 kernel was 2.1.42. I had taken a
Linux vacation for a while, so I have no post-kmod kernel prior
experience. This is also my first time using initrd. Above
kernel built on top of a Redhat 5.0 +updates dist.

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