Re: Testers wanted: exorcised kmod.c: no more daemon!

Greg Zornetzer (
Wed, 15 Apr 1998 17:58:56 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Henrik Storner wrote:

> How about adding an option to rmmod that puts it in daemon mode, where
> is does the "do { sleep(60); rmmod_main("-a"); } while (1);" loop.
> You could then have /sbin/kerneld as a link to /sbin/rmmod, and if the
> updated rmmod went into daemon mode when invoked as "kerneld", people
> would not have to change their startup-scripts at all!
> That would make upgrading 2.0 -> 2.2 much easier for a lot of people.
Yeah, or we could sweeten the deal, and change kerneld so that if uname -r
returns 2.1.90 or higher, we simply do that loop, also. That way, people
just have to upgrade modutils, and not mess with scripts.
It's "Let's mess with the userspace utilities" time :)

Greg Zornetzer -
"Light shines brightest in the darkest night"

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