> > Think of a machine with several users and several filesystems.
> > Maybe they are all Czech, which Martin Mares reports as having
> > more than 5 character encodings.
> Heh :-) Looks like Alex Belits joking -- Russian has 5 "widely used"
> encodings plus 5-7 not so "widely used" ...
Still they all are bound to their OSes.
> > Each user wants to see the system
> > in their preferred encoding. Solution: the kernel reads filenames
> > from disk in whatever format is there, then converts to UCS2.
> I am really, really want this just now! Since mars_nwe & samba really
> requires ibm866 (I am could not change DOS & Windows clients!) while
> netatalk uses x-mac-cyrillyc (I am could not change Mac clients also).
> Result: file written from Mac very often could not be readed from Windows
> or DOS and vice versa. And since I have koi8-r on linux console I am could
> not read both filenames :-(( This problem is ALREADY exists.. It's solved
> now with hack of mars_nwe but this is ugly anyway...
If you convert the file content, you will completely break everything
non-text. If you want to convert only filenames, it can be easily done in
userspace, but breaks consistency.
> This will solve problem for *some* languages (Russian, for example) but not
> for all. What if one encoding requires left-to-right writing and other
> requires right-to-left writeing ? I am not joking -- this is really existing
> encodings! So really Unicode is not solution for all :-(( This is solution
> for Russian anyway...
You can aslo switch everything just to any single encoding -- you will get
at most as much incompatibility as with Unicode.
-- Alex
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