> 'e2fsck -c' found no bad blocks on the drive and neither did 'Verify
> Media'. At least it didn't find any on the fourth pass. The first three
> passes failed with a "Unexpected Timeout has occurred".
Hardware problem :)
> I have had the
> same thing happen before while booting Win95 with respect to the SCSI bus
> locking up on me, but I attribute all problems like that to Win95. If the
> system successfully boots, Win95 will not lock up no matter how hard I
> pushed it. I hadn't had any trouble with Linux at all concerning SCSI.
> I don't know if it could be the problem, but I just installed a new
> motherboard and processor last month. I don't believe I saw the troubles
> with Win95 until then, but I run it so infrequently it is hard to judge.
> I have an Abit IT5H v2 and Intel P233. The system is not overclocked; I
> have the board set to a 66MHz bus speed. There is no conflict with IRQ's.
> Could it be the SCSI card failing after 2 1/2 years? I have not had the
> SCSI card replaced. Maybe it feels left out. :(
66MHz memory bus speed or 66MHz PCI speed? The adaptec cards specifically
are not designed to work at 66MHz PCI bus speeds, so this shouldn't be an
issue since the motherboard shouldn't allow 66MHz PCI speeds as long as that
card is installed, but you never know. Also, you might try simply
re-arranging the Adaptec card into another slot. You may have a slightly
faulty slot in your motherboard that causes intermittent failures.
--Doug Ledford <dledford@dialnet.net> Opinions expressed are my own, but they should be everybody's.
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