Re: Euro symbol (going further off topic)
H. Peter Anvin (
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 01:41:43 -0700 (PDT)
> > > faster, better and more efficiently (?) than other operating systems.
> > > The Euro symbol _must_ be in 2.2, at least 2.2.20, or else I'm switching
> > > to something else (I hear M$ is releasing NT5 soon...)! Note: This is
> > > not a threat, just a statement of intent meant as a threat.
> >
> > Its just so comically funny
> Funny?
I do think there is a good cause for changing the default character
set from Latin-1 to Latin-9, though. The changes are small, but it
adds proper support for a few more European languages and adds the
Euro symbol instead of the completely useless �.
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