> > Hi Linus,
> >
> > Here's a small patch that does the following things:
> OK, I've run some more extensive tests now, and I've
> come to the conclusion that te patch also:
> - boosts performance of my (24M, 3 spindle) system to
> a level I've _never_ reached before on this box...
> Now, I'm very interested in results on 8M and 512M
> boxes...
> (although I suspect they'll have similar increases in
> performance)
Subjectively speaking, my box seems to thrash less than a vanilla 2.1.97
in 32M RAM and all round things seem snappier. I have been running the
patch now for a day or so with no problems but I suppose the real test
will come when netscape has bloated into the normal 30Megs or so after a
day or two's use and I start doing a few compiles etc. I will be trying it
out in my 16M box tomorrow ...
Nice work!
Thank you,
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