Re: IDE CD-ROM driver confused about trays being open?
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 10:03:15 -0600
Michel Eyckmans (MCE)" <> wrote:
>For a while now, linux 2.1.[89]x has been refusing to mount my
>Mitsumi CD-ROM on boot up, and I finally found some time to have
>a closer look. Here's what I get when switching on verbose mode:
>On boot up, with a CD in the *closed* tray, it says:
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: entering cdrom_open
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: entering open_for_data
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: drive_status=2
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: the tray is open...
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: trying to close the tray.
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: bummer. the tray is still not closed.
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: open failed.
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: door unlocked.
> Apr 25 14:22:44 jebril kernel: cdrom: Use count for "/dev/hda" now 0
>If I leave the tray open, the driver does indeed close it, but
>all in all spits out exactly the same trace. It thus seems that
>the ide-cd driver is somehow getting things backwards.
>I'm now at 2.1.98. I'm not sure exactly when this behaviour
>started, but I reasonably sure it must have been after 2.1.84.
Hmm. This certainly looks like a problem. It may be specific to your hardware since I havn't seen this problem reported before. I _am_ aware of a problem where certain CD players that do not have a tray (such as my NEC-251 changer) fail to close the tray (because they have no tray to close) and ATAPI rev 2.6 doesn't seem to have a way to specify whether this capability exists...
You problem looks different though. It looks as if your drive is telling us that the tray is _open_ when in fact the tray is closed. This is very strange indeed. It either means that you have bad hardware, or else I screwed up ide-cd somehow. I know that ide-cd works for me, so (and I hope you don't mind I am copying this to linux-kernel) I would like to see if anybody else is seeing this.
Anybody else seeing this?
The linux cdrom guy
p.s. I am out of town right now (again) trying to get a machine ready to ship. As soon as I return home (back to my Linux box) I'll look into this problem to see if I screwed up ide-cd somehow.
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