-------------Original message follows----------------------
Currently the maximum number of file descriptors a proccess may
have open is set to a default of 1024 in 2.1.X kernels. In kernels (to my
knowledge) prior to 2.0.29 it could be upped by merly changing a few
#defines in limits.h
in 2.1.95 I've changed #define OPEN_MAX to 4096 and #define
NR_OPEN to double OPEN_MAX, I've also change #define __FD_SETSIZE in
whatever files I could find it in. I've found it in
/usr/include/gnu/types.h, and /usr/include/gnu/posix_types.h. However if
the FD Limit in my kernel remains at 1024 FDs. Can someone please provide
I apologize for the double post, but I became a little discouraged
at the unhelpful response I received before. Thanks.
+ Patrick Cole
+ wildfire@gamelink.com.au
+ 13:09:55, 26-Apr-98
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