Re: enable_ioapic_irq broken in arch/i386/kernel/irq.c

David Woodhouse (
Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:10:31 +0200 said:
> How about this version? The patch is against a clean 2.1.98, so you
> have to revert my previous patch, and I haven't tested it yet because
> all my machines I could test on are busy. It looks good, and has a
> similar kind of logic to it as the original io-apic stuff, but is
> simpler and doesn't imply a counter any more. In short, it _looks_
> good, but caveat emptor.

It seems fine here. I can "make -j bzImage", fork bomb it, grab video to AVI,
view said video again, and all is well. Even the floppy driver works again.

It got fairly unresponsive when the slram swap was full and it had to swap to
disk, but that's already been reported, and I tend to think it's time to buy
more RAM if it ever actually has to touch the disk anyway ;)

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse, Robinson College, CB3 9AN, England. (+44) 0976 658355
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