> > I fail understand what 'clustering' means. Is it as in 'Microsoft
> > Cluster Server'? 'Microsoft Cluster Server' is (it says here) a
> > technology in 'Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Edition' (wonder what
> > that means) which allows a server to have a 'backup server', so that if
> > the first server crashes, the second server can keep on (they share the
> > same hard disk via SCSI). But Linux doesn't crash, so why should we have
> > it? Well, perhaps Linus does...
> >
> > Anyway, what does clustering mean in this context?
> microsoft never got the term "clustering" ... what they meant was server
> redunduncy. clustering is putting more computers together on a fast bus
> and have them run processes in parael while talking something like MPI
> to get things to run fast
> George
Hello George,
A friend of mine working for Microsoft is asking me (and I quote):
|| BTW: does Linux know about clusters? As far as I know, no.
|| NT5 knows already and this makes it less prone to attacks..
Which proves that indeed what they understand by "clustering". But what
really is clustering, and does linux support it?
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