'Ugh at c0111eb8'
Wesley Christian Kelly (kwesley@ucla.edu)
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 00:26:49 -0700 (PDT)
Hi everyone, I've been running 2.1.91 on a Dual-P100 (Tyan Tomcat IID
430HX chipset) with two level 6 stepping processors without any serious
problems. Recently, after some heavy disk activity (after playing Quake
in X) I noticed an 'Ugh at c0111eb8' from the kernel. This wasn't
anything serious (the machine has not been booted since then) but I'm
trying to figure out what it means. I have RTFS in /usr/include/smp_lock.h
but I'm still not too sure about what an 'Ugh' is. Any pointers?
Thanks in advance.
Wesley Kelly
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