> > Are there any plans that Linux should support multiple different
> > processors in one machine, just as a Java processor in an ordinary PC,
> > or a configuration found on many amigas: 68020 onboard + 68060 + PPC?
> Hairy but interesting project. Are you thinking of the different CPU;s
> sharing memory or not. The unshared memory case will be 'interesting'
Think of them as a kind of a cluster in a box. Communication mechanisms
like DIPC and networks then all collaps into shared memory and interrupts.
A concept like that can even deal with processors running different operating
systems like Amiga/68k + Linux/PPC. Memory bus congestion is probably
going to be a serious problems since those card have not been designed with
the memory bandwith to supply both cpus.
For above configuration I'd say ignore the '020. It just produces very
serious congestion of the memory bus on the motherboard.
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