I am thinking seriously of doing a web/eMail based forms interface to kernel
compilation. The idea would be if you wanted to build the latest and greatest,
you'd head over to this web site, fill out the forms (or send an appropriate
.config file) and in a short while, the site would either eMail you your fresh new
kernel or tell you that it is ready and make it available for download.
The advantages would be
[1] for slower machines like 386/486es, where local compiles take several hours,
this could be a major time saver
[2] for machines which have a slow net connection, downloading multiple diffs /
downloading the 10M+ kernels can be quite painful
[3] The convenience factor - no high loads on your machine.
What are the core-kernel-communities opinions on such a service? (It would be
totally free .. source code to the scripts would probably be GPL'ed).
Machine would be a Dual Pentium II - 350 / 256 MB which I will (hopefully) be
buying this summer which will be at rpi.edu (which has some fairly decent bandwith)
Thanks for your time,
Best Regards,
Raj Dutt
aka nopzor
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