I study at a small college. We have interesting network problems with
Linux and Solaris. The colleges installed a new firewall from CISCO with
Network address translation. Sometimes it is not possible from the outside
to connect to Unix systems on the local network. There is no problem to
connecto to VMS.
This morning I used tcpdump to see if the firewall would pass the traffic.
The firewall seems to pass the traffic but the Linux or the Solaris
systems do not respond. Now the really strange part. When I connect to the
VMS system and ping from there the Unix systems I get a response. After
that I close the connection to the VMS system and I am able to connect
from the outside to the computer that I pinged from the VAX. After 15
minutes the connection is down again.
Sorry about my bad english but english is not my native language and I
hope someone will be able to help me.
Dominik Weis
There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about,
and that is not being talked about.
-Oscar Wilde
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