> to get the miro aci interface (drivers/sound/lowlevel/aci.c) into the
> sound.o module, I had to apply the following patch. It is a quite simple
> one (only configuration stuff), but please check it before applying it to
> the linux kernel (it is the first time for me to send a patch for the
> kernel :-).
drivers/sound/lowlevel/Makefile is changing to a new list-based
implementation (just like drivers/sound/Makefile), and the new
implementation has module support.
> +#if defined(CONFIG_ACI_MIXER) || defined(CONFIG_ACI_MIXER_MODULE)
Instead of doing this, could you try simply deleting this line and
the matching #endif. The Makefile decides whether to compile the
file or not. The file doesn't need to test whether it is compiled.
I am suspicious of the tests in lowlevel/init.c, as well.
Michael Chastain
"love without fear"
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