> >> Plug your board into a computer and see if the computer registers
> >> the extra memory.
> > Nope. The driver needs to be installed to get anything.
> Usually the case...
> >> Furthermore using the boards for actual memory may be impossible.
> > Although using them for actual memory would be useful, my
> > intention was to use it for a RAMDISK for a swapfile.
> Probably the best choice.
> >> You will have to access it thru 16K pages, only 4 of which will be
> >> present in the EMS page frame at any one time. If you determine
> >> that it is an EMS board then first thing you should do is contact
> >> AST to see if they have any techical information of the card.
> > I have written to AST technical support a couple of days ago, and
> > not received a reply back yet.
> >> BTW, the card may well be EEMS instead of EMS as AST was one of
> >> the backers of EEMS.
> > I'm not familiar with EEMS...
> It's an enhancement of the original EMS 3.2 standard which allows more
> than four pages to be mapped into processor memory, and EMS 3.2 and
> EEMS were merged to produce EMS 4.0, which is the standard implemented
> by EMS386.EXE under MSDOS...
Ahhh. I see. I only used XMS and EMS in one program I was
writing, and didn't know much about the details, other than that
it used the pageframe to map 16k pages (EMS). After that I moved
on to PMODE with DJGPP.
> >> If you are unsuccessful in this route then its time to reverse
> >> engineer the card.
> > That is what I figured I'd have to do. I've got the driver REMM.SYS
> > dumped with DOS DEBUG, and have looked for OUT instructions to find
> > the ports used. This is tricky business however! I think I'd have
> > to debug the running driver to really see how it works, and that is
> > over my head currently.
> If you'd care to let me have a copy of the REMM.SYS file, I can go
> through it and see what I can sort out for you?
Gladly! It's attached in a separate message...
> > Great! I use Borland Turbo Debugger. I've never traced into any
> > active device drivers (it usually locks up the machine on me...)
> > but I'll give it a whirl if the card works properly.
> Best wishes from Riley.
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