If you're not extremely short on disk space, what's wrong with setting
up a mirror program to download new programs. It's a bit more work to
check what's been downloaded, verify pgp signatures, etc before
upgrading programs, but it's probably a lot safer. There's even a
mirror rpm to do it for you. On my system the updates directory takes
up about 100MB of disk space. Hard drive space is relatively cheap,
especially considering we're talking about system upkeep here.
On Mon, 25 May 1998, Riley Williams wrote:
> If, after the above procedure has been executed, the environment
> variable FETCH is non-blank, then there are updated RPM's available,
> so start up an AnonFTP session to RedHat's site and grab the ones
> listed in $FETCH into a local directory, then "rpm -Uvh" the ones
> you've just downloaded...
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