> with both the 3c905 and 3c905B. There always at least one person that will
> swear up-and-down that the driver has a problem when something else in their
> system is actually the problem. I don't know how many times I have sent a
> one-line "Don't use 'gated'" response to angry messages about my drivers.
Do you have an alternative to gated ? I'd be very happy if you tell us
about one...
Or may be you do want to persuade us that Linux is totally useless as
something more complex than a game machine connected to the Net via the only
interface with a static route ? Or may be we have to forget about OSPF etc.
and give up to Cisco routers with several hundreds static routes installed
into each ? It'd be a real horror for a sysadmin of a moderately big
Serguei Koubouchine aka the Tamer < > The impossible we do immediately.
e-mail: ksi@gu.net SK320-RIPE < > Miracles require 24-hour notice.
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