for some skilled Linux projects I'd like to have co-workers who have
some scientific background.
Fortunately, the Department for Operating Systems at the Institute
for Informatics, University of Stuttgart, will possibly have
two positions vacant in a few months (it's not yet official).
The salary is German BAT IIa, ~DM 5000/month. The positions are for
up to five years maximum each.
The positions are for scientific aspects of operating systems and
for getting a Doctorate degree. We have the chance to combine this
with Linux projects, if they fit.
Prerequisites for such a position (note that this is __not__ an
official announcement):
a) you must have a master's degree or a University diploma, preferably
in computer science.
b) you should either speak German or be willing to learn it very
c) you should be willing to work on scientific questions (partly in
a team, but also on your own) and to write a dissertation on your
results. There is opportunity for getting a Doctorate degree.
d) some tasks regarding teaching of computer science will be delegated
on you; that is mostly organizing exercise classes for beginning
students, seminars for senior students, supervision of diploma
theses and the like.
e) and, of course, you must be willing to move to Stuttgart, a lovely
city in South Germany with attractive cultural and other life.
If you are interested, just email me.
-- Thomas
Dr. Thomas Schoebel-Theuer
Institut fuer Informatik
Breitwiesenstr. 20-22
D-70565 Stuttgart
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