> I'm sorry for the appearance of my patch in a public place.
> Donald, I personally apologize to you.
> My patch that Serguei Koubouchine has placed on his FTP site is only a
> 30 second hack. It doesn't solve the problem.
> Nobody considers it seriously.
May be. But we do need any hack to have our networking up and running.
> Sergei, I insist on immediate removing the patch from your FTP site.
> I haven't given you permissions to distribute it.
> Please be patient and wait until the problem will be really solved.
OK. No problem, I did remove the kernel SRPM from the ftp.
And I do think that a little explanation's in order here. It seems that
nobody cares to fix the eepro100 driver for new kernels :(( All e-mails to
Donald Becker either do yield the same answer - the driver's great, gated's
bad, don't use gated - or got unanswered at all... May be I'm wrong, but the
suggestion of "don't use gated" does effectively mean "don't use linux"...
Yeah, it's great to have a great and shiny driver, but it's far more
important to have a working site for at least some of us here... My demarche
here in the list with the driver patch did have the only intention - I did
want to get an answer whether somebody do intend to fix a buggy driver or
not. It looks like I've failed :((
Donald, please tell us frankly, do you intend to fix eepro100 driver at
all ? Or may be we have to do it ourselves ? Or go for the e.g. FreeBSD
where it does work ? Excuse me for pushing you, but I do really wanna know
whether it's worth an effort to continue with the development or not....
Please, do reply.
Serguei Koubouchine aka the Tamer < > The impossible we do immediately.
e-mail: ksi@gu.net SK320-RIPE < > Miracles require 24-hour notice.
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