> I noticed an old message saying that Linux STREAMS project is stopped
> because the developers were too busy; however I am still curious to see
> what stage the development got to but trying to access the ftp site
LiS is not stopped. People at gcom (thus, checkout http://www.gcom/com)
resumed LiS when Graham and me stopped working on it.
> ftp://ordago.uc3m.es/pub/LiS did not succeed - it won't let me in as
> anonymous.
the server at ftp://ordago.uc3m.es/ died due to a hardware failure and
we have not recovered yet. But LiS can be downloaded from both
ftp://ftp.gcom.com/pub/linux/src/streams-1-30-98/ and
I'll update the LiS web page to fix ftp sites...
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