Re: How/where do we submit patches now?
08 Jun 1998 11:04:48 +0200

With all due respect to Larry et al., isn't this solving the wrong
problem? (The problem looking for a solution being the size of Linus'
patch queue, of course, and the proposed solution being a new and
improved version control system)

Isn't just about the *only* way to solve this to let other people
maintain parts of the official kernel tree, with Linus having the final
word if he wants to, but not depending on him to get through the lot of
it before a release?

Isn't source control just a supplement to this, and isn't the threat of
fragmentation a real one? I mean, if Alan's tree is available with the
SB AWE patches, I'll use that, somebody else might use Dave's latest TCP
stuff, and some would use other trees due to other features - most of
the time will be spent by the owners of the trees copying from each
other, bug reports will become a mess, and we're all going to hell in
the BSD bucket[1]...


[1] While the BSDs seem to survive with several different distributions,
I think the problems are real, and I hate to see a split due to
*technical* issues, rather than political/strategic - meaning conscious
choice of optimising for some particular setup or resources.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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