2.1.104 hangs on SMP and SU machines

Don Fisher (dfisher@as.arizona.edu)
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 09:13:19 -0700

I have two machines, one a ASUS smp and the other an NEC
laptop. Both are running 2.1.4 with Bill Hawes reposted
patches. When I leave for the day moth machines are
running. When I return both are hung.

Examination of the /var/log/messages the first day (SMP
machineO yeilded a bunch of

Jun 7 10:09:49 aspc12 kernel: eth0: Memory squeeze,
deferring packet.
Jun 7 10:10:00 aspc12 last message repeated 31 times
Jun 7 10:11:36 aspc12 last message repeated 27 times
Jun 7 10:12:56 aspc12 xntpd[279]: synchronized to LOCAL(0),
Jun 7 10:16:16 aspc12 kernel: eth0: Memory squeeze,
deferring packet.
Jun 7 10:16:21 aspc12 last message repeated 88 times
Jun 7 10:16:25 aspc12 xntpd[279]: synchronized to, stratum=2
Jun 7 10:17:01 aspc12 kernel: eth0: Memory squeeze,
deferring packet.
Jun 7 10:17:10 aspc12 last message repeated 36 times
Jun 7 10:17:59 aspc12 last message repeated 79 times
Jun 7 10:21:54 aspc12 kernel: eth0: Memory squeeze,
deferring packet.
Jun 7 10:22:00 aspc12 last message repeated 35 times
Jun 7 10:25:17 aspc12 kernel: eth0: Memory squeeze,
deferring packet.
Jun 7 10:26:09 aspc12 last message repeated 98 times
Jun 7 10:28:24 aspc12 kernel: eth0: Memory squeeze,
deferring packet.
Jun 7 10:28:27 aspc12 last message repeated 102 times

While on the second day I had

Jun 7 16:12:55 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 16:32:56 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 16:52:56 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 17:12:56 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 17:32:56 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 17:52:56 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 18:04:59 aspc12 kernel: Uhhuh. NMI received for
unknown reason 30.
Jun 7 18:04:59 aspc12 kernel: Dazed and confused, but
trying to continue
Jun 7 18:04:59 aspc12 kernel: Do you have a strange power
saving mode enabled?
Jun 7 18:32:56 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 18:52:57 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 19:12:57 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 19:32:57 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 19:52:57 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 20:01:00 aspc12 kernel: Unable to load interpreter
Jun 7 20:12:57 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 20:32:58 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 20:52:58 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 21:01:01 aspc12 kernel: Unable to load interpreter
Jun 7 21:12:58 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 21:32:58 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 21:52:59 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 22:01:01 aspc12 kernel: Unable to load interpreter
Jun 7 22:12:59 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 22:32:59 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 22:52:59 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 23:01:00 aspc12 kernel: Unable to load interpreter
Jun 7 23:13:00 aspc12 -- MARK --
Jun 7 23:33:00 aspc12 -- MARK --

the other machine had the "kernel: eth0: Memory squeeze,
deferring packet" messages. Both machines have SMC
EtherPower 10/100 cards (Dec Tulip).

Any ideas on what is wrong? This is the first time I have
had crashes like this:-(


|    Don Fisher				  dfisher@as.arizona.edu  |
|    MMT Observatory			  VOICE: (520)621-7647	  |
|    University of Arizona    		  FAX:   (520)670-5740	 
|    Tucson, AZ  85721                				  |             

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