Re: [Linux-3D] Try my new DMA kernel functions

Rik van Riel (
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 20:42:50 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 9 Jun 1998, Simon Pogarcic wrote:

> The chunk size realy doesn't matter - what's funy, during testing I
> released that very often found chunks are contiguous (those of 128k) and
> get backwards. If I could somehow scan RAM before getting chunks, would be
> great. I've heard there is some patch which gives you fragmentation info
> of RAM - do you know where to find it ?

It's on my page, mm-patches page -> unsorted patches.

> However, I think that very good aproach would be some de-fragment function
> in kernel. You don't even have to defragment whole RAM, just so much you

A good remedy would be a new zone-based memory allocator.

The design is there and I'll start the coding once my
room is redecorated (friday?).

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