Thanks everybody, sorry again, from now I will test everything
before posting...
PS: I'm starting to notice the differences between Buslogic and Adaptec :)
One O.S. to rule them all, | German Gomez Garcia
One O.S. to find them. |
One O.S. to bring them all |
and in the darkness bind them. | "Wur Qanar Wur Stilor Wur Kas"
On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Alan Cox wrote:
> > found on the net (I'm not sure but maybe 1.10?). And using kernel 2.1.102
> > in an all scsi system with an IBM 4.1 Gb UW, booting from it with lilo
> > *will* trash any partition greater than 1.9 Gb, I mean e2fsck will try to
> > access far beyond the end of the device and will trash all data.
> Thats strange. You don't say what driver you are using.
> For reference
> /dev/sda1 1012847 936321 24201 97% /
> /dev/sda6 2985176 1902146 928663 67% /usr/src
> Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 03 Lun: 00
> Vendor: IBM Model: DCAS-34330 Rev: S65A
> Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02
> 2.1.105 #10 SMP Wed Jun 10 14:15:57 BST 1998 i586 unknown
> Buslogic SCSI
> and that seems to be behaving
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