Re: UNBELIEVABLE linux story!

Mike A. Harris (
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 04:10:09 -0400 (EDT)

On 8 Jun 1998, Petr Konecny wrote:

> > On 5 Jun 1998, Petr Konecny wrote:
> > >I use this method for transporting data between linux systems. I simply
> > >unmount all partitions of the hard drive. Then I run hdparm -Y to turn
> > >the disk off (this usually prevents it from generating interrupts). And
> > >finally I use ide_unregister function to remove ide driver that manages
> > >the drives on the cable. I do not have any other device on the same
> > >cable, so this does not hurt. Then I simply remove the harddrive. Of
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > That could broke your hardware. You can' t be sure that all the pins of
> > the IDE cable are connected at the same time, also there could be static
> > currents and ground problems...
> By "does not hurt" I meant that it does not stop any disk other than the
> one to be removed. However I agree that this method is dangerous and
> that by using it you also probably void warranty.

Not true. It only voids the warranty if someone from the
computer store, or from the manufacturer is standing over your
shoulder during the swap. ;o)

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