Actually it's still buggy. If nr>1, insert_char() will clobber
characters. We need to copy from the end of the line (.105 used a
one-char temp buffer to avoid this). The following patch against
2.1.106pre seems to work (I actually tested this one...).
Peter Samuelson
--- linux/drivers/char/console.c.106pre Fri Jun 12 00:20:30 1998
+++ linux/drivers/char/console.c Fri Jun 12 03:41:00 1998
@@ -1256,13 +1256,12 @@
static void insert_char(int currcons, unsigned int nr)
- unsigned int i = x;
unsigned short * p, * q = (unsigned short *) pos;
- while (i++ <= video_num_columns - nr) {
+ p = q + video_num_columns - nr - x;
+ while (--p >= q)
scr_writew(scr_readw(p), p + nr);
- p++;
- }
memsetw(q, video_erase_char, nr*2);
need_wrap = 0;
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