Re: zilog 8530 SCC based cards
Gregory Hinton Nietsky (
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 16:06:21 +0200 (GMT+0200)
> > there is a local manufacturer who supplies these cards for sync hdlc
> > to the banks about for R600 (120$) and i am hopeing some one has done this
> > b4
> Not that I know of. I've been looking at exactly this for other reasons
> recently. I don't believe its a significantly hard job as most of the nastier
> Z8530SCC code has been written.
if ya say so alan im busy looking into it the manufacturer is very
helpfull and is supplying all neasesary info ive got the card installed
and kernel been compiled with ax25 and scc (useing 2.0.34)
keep ya up to date
> Alan
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