(scsi0:-1:-1:-1) Bad scbptr 16 during SELTO
(scsi0:-1:-1:-1) Referenced SCB 255 not valid during SELTO
<the same repeated many times and then>
aborting due to timeout pid 8 scsi0 channel 0 id 5 lun 0
<then it start again>
Strange things:
That -1:-1:-1 ????
I have no device at id 5, I have a hd at 0, a cdrom at 2 and a cdrecorder
at 4, (the adapter is at id 7)
All the messages appear when trying to detect the first cd device, I mean
if I put the cdrom or the cdrecorder with a lower id than the hd,
the messages appear just after the driver initialization, no device
is detected; in any other configuration, messages appear after
detecting the hd, just before detecting the cd device.
So I must keep my assertion about random nature of machines ;)
One O.S. to rule them all, | German Gomez Garcia
One O.S. to find them. | mat006@pinon.ccu.uniovi.es
One O.S. to bring them all |
and in the darkness bind them. | "Wur Qanar Wur Stilor Wur Kas"
On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Doug Ledford wrote:
> German Jose Gomez Garcia wrote:
> >
> > Well, I always thought computers were more or less machines, I mean,
> > when in the same conditions will do the same, but things are changing ...
> > I have patched the 2.1.105 with Doug Ledford 5.0.19 version of his
> > aic7xxx driver, and tachan!!, things work but only sometimes, and the
> > stranger thing is that it seems to depend of the order of the devices
> > ID's, I have a IBM 4.1 Gb disk, and a Pionner 24x SCSI and a Traxdata
> > 4120 cdroms, the only way to make these works is to assign 0 to the IBM,
> > 2 to the Pionner and 3 to Traxdata, (I've not test all variations (3^6
> > ?), but I tested a lot, and the only way was that.
> >
> > I have to specify no_reset and pci_parity (If I disable it in the
> > BIOS, the traxdata gets detected with the pionner id, and works fine but
> > I don't like so much risk :)
> This sounds suspiciously like a SCAM problem. Make sure you have SCAM
> disabled in the Adaptec SCSI BIOS in order for things to work properly. If
> SCAM is currently enabled, then see if disabling the SCAM will let you drop
> the no_reset option and still work OK.
> --
> Doug Ledford <dledford@dialnet.net>
> Opinions expressed are my own, but
> they should be everybody's.
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