Re: OFFTOPIC: e2fsprogs and +2Gb partitions

Alan Cox (
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 18:21:34 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 13 Jun 1998, root wrote:

> > If I want to make a program for Linux that's non-portable: Thats my right.
> > If I release it under something like the GPL, and you want to port it,
> > then you can. I dont have to port it for you. If you send me patches, and
> > I'm feeling nice, I can include them and make the code portable for
> > everyone. That's my choice.
> You're wrong and really far out the spirit of GNU. The GPL is here to
> protect the right for people to *use* programs. This is the ultimate
> goal. Protecting the programmer is the intermediate step.

I never suggest someone not allow such code to run elseware.

> If, by releasing your code under the GPL *and* making it Linux-specific,
> you're denying the right for others to compile and run your program.
> There are others around. Others who may want for example to use the
> HURD kernel. Or the FreeBSD. or SunOS. Remember those?

(btw- I use also both FreeBSD and Solaris)

I am denying *nothing*.

If they want, they may make a little effort and modify their program for
their needs. I dont have to make code that suits anyone but me.

> If GPL programs are being made Linux specific while it should be the
> contrary, then, by all means create a Linux Public License, create a
> Linux C Library, create a Linux-Compiler, in other words, create a LINUX
> operating system.
> For the moment, you're only using the kernel, the rest is GNU.

It seem's that you are the one here who is intrested in limiting rights,
and who doesn't understand the GPL.

If I write code, you have no right to tell me how it's written or what it
runs on. However, you can modify my program to do as you please and if you
make it more portable, then I would gladly accept a patch from you. (but I
wouldn't have to.. It's my choice)..

You seem to be saying that if I dont give back to the whole community
software which they can use without effort, then I dont have the right to
use GPLed stuff.

The fact is, I can use it even if I'm a freeloader.

You have no right to tell me what or how to code. This is free software: A
voluntary system. It's not socialism.

The system still works when a majority of the users dont contribute squat.

> Linux is so popular due to the extremely portable GNU programs that were
> written before. The original idea was to create a full blown OS, but
> they wrote software that would run in a wide range of others operating
> systems that were Unix-like and have some support for POSIX/ANSI-C
> compliance. Now we have a full blown OS (Linux/GNU) and you're have the
> *very opposite idea*: "to hell with standards, I like Linux, I program
> for Linux." What if in the future I want (it is my right, remember?) to

Damn you. I like portable software! I like it alot!.. But if I need to or
want to create something that only runs on Linux.. That is my bussiness.

> use the HURD as my kernel? Then all Linux-GPL programs would be of no
> use to me, unless someone take the pains of writing a
> Linux-compatibility module for the HURD (like in freebsd?).

No, they are of no use if all the hurd users are too damn lazy to make the
needed changes and send them back to the authors.

You do not have the right to dictate how I write my software. Get that
into your head.

I believe software should be free. With the GPL I give you the source so
that you can make it run. If you port it, 99.9% of all maintainers will
accept your patches and if they dont: You can start your own tree with
it's own goals and say to hell with me.

With the GPL I give you all this and yet you still demand that I write my
software to suit your computer.

This is what I ment by disrespect.

> And besides what kind of programs are you talking about? Come on, any
> program that doesn't make hardware access can be written in glibc
> without any pain at all. Like GNU.
> I think you should remember this and respect this idea. It was this
> idea that is making you code freely these days.

Free doesn't mean that it has to suit you. Free means that you can make
it suit you.

> []s fabricio

Gregory Maxwell

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