RE: Do people with CRC errors have "686" in .config?

Meino Christian Cramer (
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 06:41:18 -0000 (???)

Hi Benjamin!

Yes, I am using -DCPU=686 (my box runs an AMDK6)
No, I don't think, that is the problem:
I have recompiled the kernel with Pentium settings
(via make xconfig and Processor type set to Pentium/etc.)
Botting this kernel causes a hard reboot of the PC while
uncompressing the kernel. No CRC error is shown. A complete
reset is caused as I had pressed the little hard reset button
at the front panel of the PC....

What shall I do now???
(My PC is -- for heaven's sake -- a LINUX-only, so I cannot
use loadlin...)


On 14-Jun-98 Benjamin Redelings I wrote:
> There is some new, faster, checksum code for 686s that could be failing
> here... Do the people with 2.1.106 CRC failures have 686s?
> Thanks,
> -BenRI
> -
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E-Mail: Meino Christian Cramer <>
Date: 14-Jun-98
Time: 06:41:18

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