Re: zilog 8530 SCC based cards

Klaus Kudielka (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 16:01:18 +0900

I don't know much about those sync hdlc lines, so I'm just guessing here (please
enlighten me):

* AX.25 uses HDLC. So the basic difference is just the encapsulation, right?
(Maybe the FCS is different, but it should be trivial to make that

* Is it easy/difficult/impossible to have different encapsulations with the
same driver?

* Such sync hdlc lines do operate full duplex, don't they?

* The DMA SCC driver currently only does half duplex, although I'd like
to change that. The PackeTwin could do full duplex (using DMA channels 1
and 3), the PI2 _cannot_.

Klaus Kudielka			     Communications Research Laboratory
Tel. ++81-42-327-6494				  Nukui-Kitamachi 4-2-1
Fax. ++81-42-327-6699			 Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan

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