Re: OFFTOPIC: e2fsprogs and +2Gb partitions

david parsons (o.r.c@p.e.l.l.p.o.r.t.l.a.n.d.o.r.u.s)
15 Jun 1998 11:15:04 -0700

In article <>,
root <> wrote:
>> If I want to make a program for Linux that's non-portable: Thats my right.
>> If I release it under something like the GPL, and you want to port it,
>> then you can. I dont have to port it for you. If you send me patches, and
>> I'm feeling nice, I can include them and make the code portable for
>> everyone. That's my choice.
>You're wrong and really far out the spirit of GNU. The GPL is here to
>protect the right for people to *use* programs. This is the ultimate
>goal. Protecting the programmer is the intermediate step.
>If, by releasing your code under the GPL *and* making it Linux-specific,
>you're denying the right for others to compile and run your program.

The source is available, therefore you're giving everyone a chance
to compile and run your program. (Does Linux thwart the
hypothetical spirit of GNU because it doesn't run on the Terak 8510a
I've got sitting in my garage? No. If you want to run a Linux kernel
on a LSI-11[1], you can grab the conveniently available source and
port it yourself.)

david parsons \bi/ I'd be happy just to have networking running, so I
\/ could attach it to the 'net.

[1: ObKernel: It would be really nice to have a modern Unix running on
this machine, but with 48k of core and a single 600k floppy drive,
I doubt that this will happen in my lifetime.]

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