RE: [SLUG] RedHat 5.1 Kickstart
Jason Rennie (
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 11:35:40 +1000
> Has anyone got the RedHat 5.1 kickstart going yet ? I have been
> trying
> for the last two weeks without success and would really like to hear
> from
> anyone who has got it working.
i installed it on my small file server at home and it seemed to run ok ,
but i coulsn't get linuxconf to behave properly and messing around with
linuxconf seemed to upset a bunch of thinsg on the system.
SO i guess thats a warning from experience.
Since then i've formatted it and gone back to slackware for the file
I'm hoping to get it running on my desktop, so i'll let you know.
Also RedHat etch support doesn't do linuxconf
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