> Copy the file _once_ to the library headers, and you never have to worry
> again.
> I won't be changing constants any time soon, exactly because that would
> break binary compatibility.
> But if the file is copied, that means that I don't have to worry about
> libraries, and the library maintainer doesn't have to worry about kernels.
> Linus
Just to feel out the implications:
Let us suppose that I add feature X to the cdrom drivers for 2.1.110.
I then write Super_cd.tar.gz to support this feature.
Ok, now suppose I expected the user to use the kernel include files, and
so I add in "#define <linux/cdrom.h>" to the source code. Some user
tries to compile it under Linux kernel 1.2.13, and it doesn't compile.
The user whines, and I tell him to upgrade, and then re-compile, and then
it will work.
Let us suppose that I add feature X to the cdrom drivers for 2.1.110.
I then write Super_cd.tar.gz, into which I copy include/linux/cdrom.h
so that Super_cd can support feature X. Then lets suppose that some
user decides to compile and run Super_cd under Linux kernel 1.2.13.
It compiles just fine (as it is using headers from 2.1.110), but then
fails to run and the user whines about how it doesn't work. I tell him
to upgrade, and after doing so (without a recompile) the program works.
I then add in a runtime test to the program that tells the user to upgrade.
The program now always compiles, always runs, and nobody whines to me.
Linus, it sounds like your method involves less whining in the end.
-- Erik B. Andersen Web: http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/ email: andersee@debian.org --This message was written using 73% post-consumer electrons--
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