Re: Remote fork() and Parallel programming

Mathieu Bouchard (boum01@UQAH.UQuebec.CA)
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 16:40:15 -0400 (EDT)

> > applications, programmer time. For any application where the comparison was
> > close a few years ago, it is no longer close, and similarly any application
> > which is a close call now won't be in a few years.
> I don't see why we're bothering to produce high performance operating
> systems then.

If you make a program waste 500k, and 100,000 users do use it, it's 50
gigs of harddisk wasted, which is worth several thousand bucks. From a
holistic point of view, if you are worth 50$/hour and it takes you less
than {several thousand bucks}/50 hours to do the optimization, well, why

>From an hedonistic point of view, optimization is just plain fun.


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