Is this the same one you put out about a month ago ?
I do have a 1.12-WIP from then .
On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
> I have a release candidate for e2fsprogs 1.12 which is ready for
> testing. Since as one person on this list pointed out, kernel hackers
> are great testers of e2fsck (since they crash their systems so often
> :-), I'm sending this announcement out to the linux-kernel list. If you
> could try out this test release and let me know whether or not you find
> any problems, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> Assuming that a number of positive reports and no negative reports, this
> will be pretty much the version of e2fsprogs that I'll release as
> version 1.12.
> The test release can be found at:
> ftp://pub/linux/ALPHA/ext2fs/e2fsprogs-1.12-WIP.tar.gz
> Thanks!!
> - Ted
> -
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